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Donna Grantis - Gitarristin

Gitarristin Donna Grantis ist eine Kanadierin mit makedonischer Abstammung. Sie spielte für den letzter Woche verstorbenen Prince in seiner "All Girl" Live Band, unter anderem trat sie auch für die Bands 3rdEyeGirl und The New Power Generation auf.  Beide Großeltern väterlich-seits stammen aus der Kostur Region und mütterlich-seits aus der Kostur und Lerin Region in Ägäis Makedonien, heutiges Nordgriechenland. Donna ist in Kanada geboren und aufgewachsen, in ihrer Karriere gab sie auch Konzerte in Skopje so z.B. auf dem 15. Blues und Soul Festival. Facebook Homepage

Vesela Bogdanovikj - one of the 50 best teachers in the world

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski today met with Vesela Bogdanovikj, a class teacher in primary school “Kocho Racin” village Ivanjevci, municipality Mogila, which entered into the completion among the fifty best teachers out of several thousand educators from more than 150 countries the world.

It is competition organized by “Varkey gems fondation”, chaired by former US President Bill Clinton. Competition among the best continues by choosing the best teacher that will win Global Teacher Prize.

Bogdanovikj informed the Prime Minister and shared her experience of running the educational process in the parent school, and about taken active measures and teaching methods that are applied during lectures, which are compatible with the new curriculum and textbooks developed by the Centre for Education Cambridge programs, informed by the Government.

She emphasized the usefulness of interactive techniques that are used in the implementation of teaching instead of passive learning material as well as the usefulness of engagement of teacher in presenting educational content as method that is positive and is of interest and is accepted by pupils.

The overall experience and positive methods of work contained in her 200 educational films and worksheets, with which Bogdanovikj compete in choosing the best teacher in the world.

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