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Donna Grantis - Gitarristin

Gitarristin Donna Grantis ist eine Kanadierin mit makedonischer Abstammung. Sie spielte für den letzter Woche verstorbenen Prince in seiner "All Girl" Live Band, unter anderem trat sie auch für die Bands 3rdEyeGirl und The New Power Generation auf.  Beide Großeltern väterlich-seits stammen aus der Kostur Region und mütterlich-seits aus der Kostur und Lerin Region in Ägäis Makedonien, heutiges Nordgriechenland. Donna ist in Kanada geboren und aufgewachsen, in ihrer Karriere gab sie auch Konzerte in Skopje so z.B. auf dem 15. Blues und Soul Festival. Facebook Homepage

Macedonian candidate for mayor of Paris

Christophe Najdovski was born in Paris, and his parents have Macedonian origin. Today he runs as a candidate for mayor of Paris, leading the list of the Green Party, informs Deutsche Welle.

He is the the only politician with Macedonian origin in France that runs as a candidate for such high position, and maybe in Western Europe.

- Maybe I am the first politician, what gives me a certain pride, but also a certain responsibility towards the country where I come from – Macedonia. That allows me to recommend everybody in the diaspora having parents who emigrated in other countries that can be interested in the public and political life in the city and the country they are living at the moment, in order to improve people’s lives. This the sense of my engagement in Paris, says Christophe Najdovski for Deutsche Welle.

As he says, he enter the politics, which is nor profession, ‘through ecology’, wanting to be “an actor, and not viewer’.

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