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Donna Grantis - Gitarristin

Gitarristin Donna Grantis ist eine Kanadierin mit makedonischer Abstammung. Sie spielte für den letzter Woche verstorbenen Prince in seiner "All Girl" Live Band, unter anderem trat sie auch für die Bands 3rdEyeGirl und The New Power Generation auf.  Beide Großeltern väterlich-seits stammen aus der Kostur Region und mütterlich-seits aus der Kostur und Lerin Region in Ägäis Makedonien, heutiges Nordgriechenland. Donna ist in Kanada geboren und aufgewachsen, in ihrer Karriere gab sie auch Konzerte in Skopje so z.B. auf dem 15. Blues und Soul Festival. Facebook Homepage

Ilina Arsova, first Macedonian female to climb Mount Everest

Ilina Arsova (30) is the first female from Macedonia to climb the Mount Everest, world's highest mountain. During the campaign of conquering the summit Ilina got a surprise present and wore the original goggles that Sir Edmund Hillary wore on his expedition.

Honoured to wear his personal Sir. Edmund Hillary's goggles 60 years after his first Sagarmatha ascent, thanks to Adam Booth

Arsova also is the first Macedonian female climber who climbed Matterhorn peak (4.587m) and in her career she also climbed Ama Dablam (6.856m) and Aconcagua (6.963m) summits.
She has prepared for this long time but the expedition "First Macedonian female on Mount Everest" was postponed for three years due to lack of funds.
Ilina is artist and she acquired love of mountaineering during her childhood on Vodno hillsides. My alpinistic and mountaineering accomplishments as first woman of our nation are recognized as National achievmnets, my project doesn't stop here, the 7 summit project is another challenge that I've started to complete. In both of these projects less than 10% of the athletes were women. 
"As a women sports advocate I've been honoured to be one of the 17 Emerging leaders who participated at the US State Dept, espnW and University of Tennessee - Global Sports Mentoring Program. Currently I am working on campaigns for empowering women leadership abilities through sports and arts says Ilina.

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