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Donna Grantis - Gitarristin

Gitarristin Donna Grantis ist eine Kanadierin mit makedonischer Abstammung. Sie spielte für den letzter Woche verstorbenen Prince in seiner "All Girl" Live Band, unter anderem trat sie auch für die Bands 3rdEyeGirl und The New Power Generation auf.  Beide Großeltern väterlich-seits stammen aus der Kostur Region und mütterlich-seits aus der Kostur und Lerin Region in Ägäis Makedonien, heutiges Nordgriechenland. Donna ist in Kanada geboren und aufgewachsen, in ihrer Karriere gab sie auch Konzerte in Skopje so z.B. auf dem 15. Blues und Soul Festival. Facebook Homepage

Macedonian genius is the sixth smartest teenager in the world!

Fourteen -year-old Marko Chalasan is in sixth place on the list of the 50 smartest teenagers worldwide. The list is created by the organization Best Schools, it interesting the fact that only Marko and Ainan Celeste are the only teenagers in the top ten that do not originate from the U.S., reports Kanal 5.

Marko Chalasan a computer wunderkind. He is the youngest MSCA (aged 8 years) and MSCE (aged 9 years). Currently he has 12 certifications from Microsoft and one Cisco certification. The first certification got, he was only six years old.
Marko ‘s parents say he learned to write and read at the age of 2, he had been able to speak English at the age of 4 . The description, given by Marko personally about his first memories using computer says he was just 3 years old and I “played” installing Windows, making virtual machines etc.
In 2010, Mark wrote a book about all processes associated with before, during and after the installation of the operating system Windows 7. The book contains 305 pages and is currently used in schools throughout Macedonia.
Mark teaches computer basics to children from 8 to 11 years at his school. He speaks three languages ​​and at the moment is learning another one. In the future, he wants to write books for computer science for all users from beginners to experts.
“The computer science in schools is not so serious. If I were a teacher I would have taught all usual subjects, but would incorporate computer science in chemistry and physics so the students could learn it better ” – says Marko.
First on the list for the smartest teenagers is Jack Andraka from U.S. who besides is only 16 years old, is the creator of sensor that looks for chemicals in the blood that will help physicians to diagnosis the pancreatic cancer.

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